Industrial Service

Health and Safety

Our Health and Safety Services

Health and safety Policies

The law states that every business (with more than 5 employees) must have a policy for managing health and safety within the workplace. 

A health and safety policy not only sets out your general approach to health and safety, it explains how you, as an employer, will manage health and safety within your business. It should clearly define the roles and responsibilities of who does what, when and how.

At Alpha X Industrial Service, we are here to support and offer advice regarding your business’s Health and Safety Policies, implementing the necessary health and safety policies, so you don’t have to.


Risk Assesments and Method Statements

Alpha X Industrial Service works with businesses to support and provide guidance regarding the management of health and safety procedures in the workplace, specifically advising how businesses can best control any risks. Risk assessments are mandatory and it is something you are required by law to carry out.

In addition, we work with businesses to implement method statements – a description of how the work will be carried out safely. These documents are usually used for high risk projects, to provide information to employees about how the work should be done, and outline any precautionary measures needed.

Safe Systems of Work

A Safe Systems of Work (SSOW) is a defined set of procedures, resulting from a careful study of a task that inform how work must be carried out.

At Alpha X Industrial Service, we can ensure that Safe systems of work are developed, taking into account the people, substances and equipment involved within undertaking a task, identifying all foreseeable hazards and assessing the risks.

We then work with your business to minimise or eliminate these risks by providing a formal framework for the workforce to follow.

COSHH Assessments

COSHH assessment concentrates on the hazards and risks from substances in your workplace. 

Whether it’s a risk assessment or ongoing management of potential issues, Alpha X Industrial Service offers your business the support it needs to manage the overall risk of hazardous substances.

Employers should always look to eliminate exposure to hazardous substances and mitigate the risks of  potential exposure. Additionally, control measures need to be implemented and enforced. Whereby automated controls are used for example, these must be regularly inspected and tested by competent engineers. 

At Alpha X Industrial Service we can carry out fully comprehensive COSHH Assessments for your business covering the following; – Identify the inherent hazards of the substance, evaluate the risks in during use in a particular process or processes, determine the required control measures and Inform users and any others who may be affected of the control measures. For more information or a free quotation regarding COSHH measures, contact us today.


Accident Investigation

An effective investigation requires a methodical, structured approach to information gathering (collation and data analysis). The findings of the investigation will create the framework of an action plan to prevent the accident or incident from happening again, as well as improving your overall management of risk.

Your findings will also point to areas of your risk assessments that need to be reviewed. This link with risk assessment(s) is a legal duty.

Alpha X Industrial Service works with your business on accident investigation, offering a fresh set of eyes to an incident or accident which needs to be investigated. 


Alpha X Industrial Service works with businesses to provide the following training and support: 

Manual Handling 
At Alpha X Industrial Service, we cannot stress enough the importance of safety, at every level of operation, when carrying out a manual handling risk assessment, we strongly suggest that staff should be considering four main areas: the nature of the task, the capabilities of the individual performing it, the characteristics of the load and the layout of the environment.  

Working at Height
In line with HSE guidelines, Alpha X Industrial Service factors into its risk assessments the necessary measures that should be in place to protect employees in the workplace when working at heights. 

Ensuring equipment is suitable, stable and strong enough for the job, as well as maintained regularly is just one of the key measures defined within the risk assessments that we implement to support businesses.  

Confined Space Entry
Adhering to the Confined Spaces regulations 1997 and The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, Alpha X Industrial Service assess and identify the risks of serious injury from work in confined spaces – this means identifying any hazards that may be present, assessing the risks and determining what precautions to take. 

First Aid
Basic first aid is a very useful skill for your employees and essential to have trained first aiders we can provide you with training.

Abrasive Wheels
This Abrasive Wheel Safety Training provides the knowledge you need to keep yourself and others safe during the handling, operation, and maintenance of Abrasive Wheels. It provides an in-depth look at the dangers they pose and how to spot them. The legal responsibilities of both employers and employees. How to store and regularly inspect the safety of any wheels you use. As well as considering the different kinds of wheels available and which ones are most suited to.