Operating throughout the COVID- 19 pandemic, and further to Government guidance and CHAS accreditation – AlphaX Industrial Service continues to ensure that necessary safety measures are in place to reduce the virus transmission across the
workplace, helping to keep employees safe and ensure businesses continue to serve customers.

We understand the implications and the difficulties that businesses have faced throughout COVID 19 and we are collaboratively working with businesses across Lincolnshire and Yorkshire – who are in search of COVID 19 risk assessment support.

Three main types of control measures that can be implemented and implemented within the risk assessments:

  • Engineering Control Measures: These are the most effective coronavirus control measures. They involve making physical changes to the workplace to place a barrier between the person and the hazard. Engineering controls may include physical barriers such as screens between people.
  • Administrative Control Measures: This type of action involves keeping the workplace and equipment clean, adjusting workplace tasks and activities, and potentially redesigning the workplace to make it safer. Administrative controls can include social distancing training, distance markings, signage and increased hygiene practices. You may also decide to limit the number of employees returning to work, or the number of customers or visitors permitted on-site at any one time.
  • Personal Protective Equipment: PPE such as gloves, masks and respirators is the least effective form of coronavirus risk mitigation so it should be a last resort. For PPE to be necessary, workers will still be coming into contact with transmission risks. Personal protective equipment is also only effective if workers use it correctly.


If you’re looking for help with COVID 19 risk assessments, enquire within at info@alphaxindustrialservice.co.uk or 07577637003